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Allergies Are Common Problem in People

Dec 31, 2024

Allergies are common problem in people who have weak immunity. No doubt several treatments can help you avoid your symptoms. As weather is changing suddenly now days and that’s why we have to be more careful and aware about our health. The symptoms you experience because of allergies are the result of several factors. These include the type of allergy you have and how severe the allergy is. If you take any medication before an anticipated allergic response, you may still experience some of these symptoms, but they may be reduced. Researchers aren’t exactly sure why the immune system causes an allergic reaction when a normally harmless foreign substance enters the body. Allergies have a genetic component. This means parents can pass them down to their children. However, only a general susceptibility to allergic reaction is genetic. Specific allergies aren’t passed down. For instance, if your mother is allergic to shellfish, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be, too.      Treatment of Allergy The best way to avoid allergies is to stay away from whatever triggers the reaction. If that’s not possible, there are treatment options also available.


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